About Us
The world of oil and natural gas industry and its process still remains to be a challenging industry. Besides a promising profit and the possibility of natural resource exploration, another reason is competitive business players that could really exist in the industry.
PT Chitra Bhaskara Indah dedication in the industry has proven by achieving ISO 9001:2015 from APIQR and API Specification Q1 from American Petroleum Institute. Strengthening the company existence in oil and natural gas industry in the country.
Our Core Businesses

Competent human resource and imported work equipments to bring forth qualified assembling products.

PT Chitra Bhaskara Indah also serves tools reparation service or customer operational equipments. Reparation is including testing and inspection to bring back into previous condition and is ready to operate.

Fulfilling market demand, particularly oil and natural gas equipment rental, PT Chitra Bhaskara Indah builds Rental & Maintenance Department. The main duty of the Department is to provide equipment rental services, before and after operation, as well as to maintain and keep them in a good condition.